Monday, September 8, 2014

A Wide-Area Network for a Small District

Posted by Salman on 3:55 AM with No comments
A Wide-Area Network for a Small District
To improve communications between campuses and their central office, the campuses decide to install a wide-area network. The upgrade economizes on Internet connectivity
by offering all campuses a connection through a central high-speed line


A Community College WAN
A growing community college system sees rising network traffic at its three campuses. It wants to install future-ready local networks to support multimedia applications and to
provide high-speed WAN links that will allow south and west campus students to take advantage of north campus courses via the network (distance learning). In addition,
because many students commute from great distances, the college wants to allow students at all three campuses to dial up their local servers from home and retrieve assignments
and communicate with professors.


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